mileshigh - PALE BODY (EP)

Ethereal and delicate melodies are generously spread throughout PALE BODY; the first full length EP from mlshigh. As a member of the collective DEADLOCK RIOT, mlshigh has grown and continued to showcase his consistency and extremely unique vocals. This six track project unveils his vulnerability and range while accomplishing its visual and audible aesthetic objectives. To me, this sounds like a gloomy late night drive in a classic muscle car while the rain beads up on the windshield. I definitely recommend taking 13 minutes out of your day to stream this alternative masterpiece by @mlshigh from start to finish.

Written By : nic violets (@nicviolets)

Listen to PALE BODY on Spotify. mileshigh · Single · 2020 · 6 songs.


Coop - Love Me


Tino Szn - Today