Coop - 80's

Mind-numbingly catchy and enthusiastic; 80’s just might be Coop’s most confident offering yet.

Following suit with the sound that we’ve come to know and love Coop for while including new elements to the diverse catalogue he’s built thus far, exposes an electric yet evocative new record.

One of the things I love about Coop as an artist is that while he’s not afraid to experiment, he knows what he great at, which allows him to push each new masterpiece to the next tier each time.

The video pictures Coop and Isabella Amarga bobbing around gloomy scenery which is presented in such a way that feels sentimental even though I have no idea where it was filmed. When Coop and Dom get together on the channel, they do an amazing job of visualizing that modern-nostalgic feeling that I always mention when discussing Coop’s music. Watch the highly anticipated video below!

Written by nic violets (@nicviolets)

Nic Violets

Writer for TanjTV


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