Kevin Kazi - Fall From Grace

Written by nic violets

A long awaited masterpiece from underground legend Kevin Kazi has arrived. Tune in to Fall From Grace. With previous releases like Zaza and Kids Don’t Cry, we were left waiting in the dark for a light that would seemingly never come. When Kazi released his visualizer to rollout the project, I immediately knew we were gracefully saved.

My personal favorites have to be Saikik which creates atmospheric guitar riffs that sound like a page out of Mike Dean’s book, as well as Nun of Dem which features babydrako and brings us back to those early Kazi rage roots.

Kazi is traditionally known for his dynamic switch between hard hitting 808-based mosh music and melodic vocals that emulate the feeling of early 2000s vocal layering from punk bands. This album continues on that ideology, but in a more refined and developed manner. Fall From Grace further proves that Kevin Kazi is here to stay and will continue to level up with each new offering. Take a listen below and let us know your thoughts!

Nic Violets

Writer for TanjTV


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