Savage Ga$p - a mosh pit love story

Written by nic violets

The spookiest rapper alive, Savage Ga$p, delivers an eerie two-pack titled a mosh pit love story with support from KAMAARA and MC Virgins. The Halloween loving artist has been in the game for years and after the huge success of his record with CORPSE HUSBAND, he’s been able to keep the momentum going. To kick off the month, he’s given us a record in the classic low-pitch-almost-whisper-voice, but the irony lies within the fact that, whispering or not, Savage Ga$p creates extremely lively events and the title of this small offering is very telling of that truth. The second song is a switch from the norm and creates a more upbeat landscape which is really cool to see from Ga$p. What are your thoughts?

Will Curtin

Writer for ripe–tanjerines.


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